Heart Warrior: We'll Always Have Paris.

Time for you all to get to know me a bit. Having a dodgy ticker and being knackered a lot, I used to sit around and watch a lot of films with my Grandparents and Mum. I sometimes couldn't settle at all without watching a film, some again and again. So you will find some classics in here! Without further ado, here is my top 5 favourite Romance films!    

5. Moulin Rouge. 2001.

I love a good musical. I can’t sing, and I dance like a one legged Otter being shot at with a rifle, but alas I can’t stop my knocked kneed waddle feet from tapping along. This is a tragic love story filled with catchy covers and an underlying message of; Be careful who you fall in love with, as they may have a horrifying disease which may cause them to die and eternally break your heart and soul. 


Obviously the real theme is; you can’t help who you fall in love with, come what may. 

4. 500 Days of Summer. 2009.

The brilliance of this film, is that it is simultaneously hilarious but also, real and quite sad. The whole time you know it isn't probably going to end well, but you still emotionally invest, just like the characters. Ultimately the viewer and the characters hearts break. But then we all move on, just like life. There are so many moments in this film that have literally happened to me. The scene where an evening plays out in two ways, how the guy hopes it will, and how it actually does. Dude, seriously. Dude. 

3. Wall-E. 2008. 
Seriously. Pixar. What the actual cranberries!?! This is a film for children? Ya know, tiny people, without emotional maturity yet. Innocence. With a basic crude ideal and notion of love. Do you want me to have more open heart surgery? Come on guys, that robot just wants to be loved. To belong. To have someone to share his junk with. He just wants to hold her hand. WHY WON’T SHE HOLD HIS HAND?!?!

‘And we'll recall when time runs out
That it only took a moment
To be loved a whole life long!’


2. Casablanca. 1942.

Humphrey Bogart. Absolute Lad. What a legend. His character Rick owning a cafe in Casablanca, and wearing a tux every night. Just drinking cocktails and dining. Seriously, how awesome is that? When Rick’s love from another life arrives in Casablanca, all we get is classy lines, whimsical music, and a man saying to a grown woman, ‘Here’s looking at you kid,’ and still sounding so damn cool. 

Its a masterpiece. The scene when Rick sits in his cafe sinking drink after drink while Sam plays the song ‘As time goes by’. We’ve all been there people. WE’VE ALL BEEN THERE. 

1.An Affair To Remember. 1957. 

Regarded as probably the ultimate chick flick, well I don't care. I LOVE THIS FILM. From the outfits, the short witty lines, the cheesy interplay, Cary Grant, the romance, the comedy, Deborah Kerr, the weird grandmother, the love for pink champagne. It has a happy ending. It’s so nice to have a happy ending considering the title of the film. 


Until next time... 


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